Somewhere I heard the notion that understanding one's purpose clarifies character and fine-tunes the intellect; and that wholehearted commitment focuses the mind and soul. My experience with Debbie has helped me truly appreciate this reality. With Debbie's intuitive guidance I have rearranged and re-balanced my 45-year-old life without disrupting it. (I am still in the same profession and the same relationships) in the process, I have begun to reconnect with my own individual sense of purpose. I am left with the renewed belief that life is a wonderfully interesting journey, teeming with infinite possibilities-many of which have been right under my nose all along. - Charlotte W, attorney
After hiring Debbie, incredibly positive changes have occurred both personally and professionally. My business has grown by 50% in the first 3 to 4 months of her coaching and of course my family's budget became much more comfortable as well. One thing that truly was amazing is the home we wanted for years is now affordable and we moved in a couple of months ago. Debbie's leading advice has been uncanny as it relates to my personal goals as well. Everything from self-care and physical fitness to relationships with friends and family. Lord knows I still need work in that department. It is very difficult to summarize her professional abilities as a coach since I am still looking forward to more adventure and growth. Every time we meet, I leave with fantastic new insights and more focus. - Jay C, chiropractor
The personal growth I achieved in a coaching group in just over the couple of months that the group met resounds in my life every day and I am a more focused and driven woman because of it. I learned my strengths, acknowledged my weaknesses and learned how to be a fully functioning individual with a solid understanding of myself and a workable plan to achieve my goals. Debbie is a master facilitator and a phenomenal coach. Not only did she take 6 women who were strangers to each other and make them a functioning group, she helped each one of us discover and clarify our purposes and goals. After watching the transformations that happened in myself and my group I would encourage everyone to commit to this group and give themselves the gift of personal attention and care that we all need but never seem to have the time to give ourselves. The results are far beyond anything you could ever imagine! Thank you Debbie! - Jamie F, young professional
I woke up one day and realized I was middle aged, tired, uninspired. I had already changed my hair color, and shopping did not seem to be the answer. I'm a successful professional, what was missing? I knew I really needed an honest frank evaluation. Debbie Daniels, as a life coach was the answer to that question. - Jean M, attorney
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Debbie brought her sensitivity, intuition, leadership skills, and deep personal and professional life experiences to our relationship and the impact on me has been the exact fuel I was seeking. This coaching relationship is a catalyst for helping me to clarify and validate my understanding of how I spend and have spent my time and energy. Working with Debbie has accelerated, connected and deepened all the self-inquiry and self-development work I've done on my own, and the results are easy to see. Now I am aware that it is this kind of direct and actionable coaching relationship that helps me distill and activate a greater sense of confidence, insight, and understanding about how to make significant practical changes. Whatever the personal work I want to tackle or changes I want to make, I feel I have someone out there who has my best interests at heart, and understands best how to coach me to what I want to achieve. It's been one of the best investments ever. - Lorye G, artist
Debbie gives you the tools, support and reframe you need to get focused in pursuing and living the life of your dreams. It is your vision. Debbie helped me to see that I was not a fool to believe in myself! - Miriam H, massage therapist
I saw clearly for the first time the truth of the roller coaster I had set up for myself, and that realization made me determined to live between the peaks and valleys. I have been successful with all of my goals from the group. I am living a new life. It is one year hence. I couldn't have done it without the passion and commitment of Debbie Daniels. - Christina C, creative director
I've always felt that I'm only dealing with what life brings me, now I have the confidence to start making my own path. - DeeDee B, optician
I knew I wasn't doing my best as a leader. I had more to give and to receive from my important work in community colleges. Debbie, helped me reconnect with the reasons I choose this work and to focus on my values and inner strength. My coaching sessions helped prepare me for my new position, but most importantly helped me to center. - Michele J, college chancellor
It was very simple, I was out of control, out of energy, out of coping mechanisms. I was a tool user, who only had broken tools. It started simple, learning how to focus, how to understand my body's needs. How to recognize when I was fighting myself. Today, when I practice what Debbie has shown me, I'm more effective, more creative and a whole lot nicer to be around. The bottom line, I have tools that work and am in better control of my life than ever before. - David S, software engineer
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My experience working with Debbie Daniels and Life Action Coaching was deeply transformational. Her integration of body awareness, spiritual connection and excercises that facilitate the de-masking of my layers of unconsciosness have helped me move to a more pro-active, conscious daily experience. I worked with Debbie almost 3 years ago and use many of her tools today so it is not a one time experience. I can't recommend walking the path with Debbie enough. It truly has been a magical step in my path for seeking: who I am, my purpose, my gifts. Thank you Debbie! - Rebecca J, marketing executive
Patrick and I have done couples coaching, individual coaching and group coaching with Debbie. She is an inspiration! She has been encouraging, supportive and dedicated in helping us open the doors to finding our fullest potential as a couple and as individuals. She has given us tools to use and supported us both on our journey towards manifesting our dreams. We are both so thankful for her insightful and compassionate guidance. The skills she helped us develop are still helping us to weave the fabric of our lives and make our dreams come true! - Julie & Patrick B, married couple
Debbie Daniels and Life Action Coaching have been the best personal growth gift I have ever given myself. To be able to avail yourself of the education, experience and just the force of nature that is Debbie Daniels is such a blessing. Through the group sessions I have been able to chart a future course for both my personal and professional future. Couple Debbie's leadership skills¬Ýwith eight outstanding women in their own right as group members and the results for all are life-altering. I highly recommend this invaluable opportunity either individually or in a group environment. The clarity of purpose and a path for tomorrow in all facets of my life leave me empowered in ways I never thought were within my reach. Yes, I did the work to get here, but without Debbie's constant support and love my goals would still be just out of reach. - Kari M.
I was able to see a different way to look at my life. After years of trying tons of self help books etc. one tends to see the same solutions, being in a group about life coaching allows you to open to others, to see the possibilities, to get support in trusting yourself. You have to know what your deepest needs are to unfold your life in the direction you truly want and this group helped me gain clarity. There is nothing more fulfilling than getting feedback from a group of women all working on making their lives stronger and fuller. Sometimes we forget that support and kindness can work wonders for gaining or regaining a sense of that we count in the world. - Susan D, business owner
The group was very useful and effective in helping me develop a personal infrastructure for moving forward in my life and accomplishing my goals. I learned about ways to understand myself from the inside out, instead of purely setting external goals for myself. I developed a spiritual practice, meditation and journaling and from this I learned about breath work and combined with the somatic work I began an "inner understanding". This was a powerful combination for me. I know so much more about who I am. I gave myself permission to cocoon, which allowed me to stop being such a task master and focus on my inner journey. The momentum of the coaching group takes me to a more satisfying daily experience, being able to be calm and focused with others and on good days to be able to listen. - Barbara H, medical sales
Twenty years ago I would not ever have expected that the most difficult challenge in life is to find balance. At the top of my list of life challenges were to find my life purpose and have a successful and satisfying career. But as my life purpose became more evident and my career successes numerous, it became apparent that I was living just part of my life. I was missing a big part. Balance is not only the most ambitious and personal goal. I found out it is an art to achieve and maintain it through life. It is thanks to Debbie that I learned that. Debbie teaches you how to appreciate it, find what it means for yourself, and practice it in your everyday life. Through her great professionalism and amazing intuition, Debbie's groups and individual coaching will make you achieve the goals you set for yourself. - Mary A, professor
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